French Dictionary (平装)

出版时间:2006-3  出版社:Collins; 9Rev Ed edition  作者:A.P. Cowie  页数:584  


Synopsis  Now in colour, the Collins French Gem Dictionary offers the learner of French extensive and up-to-date coverage of French and English in a compact, portable format. Developed as part of the Collins Education and Life Skills streams, this dictionary is designed for all levels of language learners, whether at home, at school, or at work. It is the indispensable small dictionary for learners of French, and now comes with a handy supplement of useful travel phrases. Have confidence! The Collins French Gem Dictionary offers extensive coverage of today's French and English, with additional notes warning the user of easily confusable words. It is the perfect complement to the dictionary , and an easy-to-use supplement of practical phrases for travelers. Available in colour for the first time, the clear layout ensures that users find the information they want quickly and easily. Where does it fit in the range? Collins French School Gem, 0-00-722404-4, Collins French Gem, 0-00-722397-8; Collins French Express, 0-00-720889-8; or Collins French Dictionary & Grammar, 0-00-722387-0. Words are tools for life, and a Collins dictionary makes them work for you.


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