Bart the Shark大鲨鱼

出版时间:2006-9  作者:Shipton, Paul  


Bart the Shark is big and bad. Bart the Shark is feeling mad! Find out what happens to the little fish when Bart the Shark comes to visit, in this very funny rhyming story. The book is brightly illustrated with 3D cartoons by Jon Stuart.  / Yellow / Band 3 - A humorous and rhyming story  / Text type - Fiction  / The focus phonemes in this book are a-e, ea (sea), i-e and y.  / Use the labelled character profile on the final spread to discuss Bart the Shark.  / Paul Shipton also wrote Red 2A Ant and Snail; Yellow 3 The Sun and the Moon.  / This title is paired with the non-fiction recount about real monster-like animals: Real Monsters by Nic Bishop.



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