Bloodline 血统

出版时间:2005-1  作者:Sidney Sheldon  页数:456  


  The daughter of a rich and powerful father, Elizabeth Roffe is young, beautiful - and sole heir to a billion dollar fortune.  Then tragedy strikes. Her father is killed in a freak accident and Elizabeth must take command of his mighty global empire, the pharmaceutical company Roffe and Sons. It makes Elizabeth the richest girl in the world. But someone, somewhere, is determined that she must die.  From the backstreets of Istanbul to the upmarket offices of New York, Bloodline is a hypnotic tale of love and ambition, danger, intrigue and death.  'Absorbing and eminently well-crafted.' New York Times  'Contains the three basic Sheldon ingredients - glamour, intrigue and sex.' Daily Mail




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  •   whenreading,it'sjustlikeguidedbythestoryandeverythingseemstoreallyhappen!

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