
出版时间:2004-12  出版社:McGraw-Hill  作者:Dixie, Celia  页数:279  


Perfect for everyone from general readers to students to recreational or business travelers, the Teach Yourself World Cultures series explores language, history, art, politics, economics, cuisine, and much more. Each book in the series lists useful addresses, websites, and points of interest. Mixing historical information with travel tips, Teach Yourself World Cultures books are both educational and entertaining.    Teach Yourself World Cultures: France provides:    A balanced and comprehensive overview of the nation--from geography to political history to the workplace environment of today     Valuable information on the people and their customs     Practical vocabulary and language tips for the traveler     Recipes for common dishes of the region    作者简介:McGraw-Hill authors represent the leading experts in their fields and are dedicated to improving the lives, careers, and interests of readers worldwide。


introduction01 the making of France02 the language03 writers and philosophers04 art and architecture05 music and dance06 traditions and festivals07 food and fashion08 chema,emdia and science09 political structures and institutions10 the basics for living11 France at work and play12 people13 France in the world todayappendix;French kings and heads of stateindex



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