出版时间:2006-08-16  出版社:McGraw-Hill Medical  作者:Eugene Toy,Robert Yetman,Margaret McNeese,Mark Hormann,Sheela Lahoti,Rebecca Girardet,Mark Jason Sanders  页数:488  


Doody's : "The purpose is to help students learn diagnosis and management of the pediatric patient through simulated clinical cases. It is a very helpful adjunct to a pediatric curriculum, reviewing 60 pediatric medical problems and helping prepare the student for the national boards and USMLE...This is an excellent review of common pediatric problems, their analysis and diagnosis with questions and answers pertaining to each case. With the addition of new cases and reformatting of the multiple choice questions, this second edition is justified and welcomed."    Sci-Tech Book News : "The co-authors take a “boards and wards” approach to this guide to cases chosen to help students in their studies for the pediatric shelf exam. Along with 60 pediatric cases with complete discussions the text includes clinical pearls and key points, a primer on approaching the pediatric patient and a systematic approach to both the needs of the patient and the needs of the exam. The cases include USMLE-style review questions and the index also serves as a handy clinical cross-reference. Cases include imagery as needed."


PREFACEACKNOWLEDGMENTSINTRODUCTIONSECTION I How to Approach Clinical Problems  Part 1. Approach to the Patient Part 2. Approach to Clinical Problem Solving Part 3. Approach to ReadingSECTION II Clinical Cases Sixty Case ScenariosSECTION III Listing of Cases Listing by Case Number Listing by Disorder (Alphabetical)INDEX




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