Mere Anarchy (平装)

出版时间:2007年07月  出版社:Random House, London  作者:Woody Allen  


Woody Allen's first new collection in 25 years, Mere Anarchy features eighteen short stories - nine of which have never been in print anywhere else before.
Surreal, absurd, rich in verbal play, bitingly satirical and just plain daft, the collection includes tales of a body double - mistaken for the film's star - kidnapped by outlaws; a pretentious writer forced to work on the novelisation of a Three Stooges film; a nanny secretly writing an expose of her Manhattan employers; crooks selling bespoke prayers on ebay; and how to react when you're asked to finance a Broadway play about the invention and manufacture of the adjustable showerhead.
Laced with his unique brand of humour and reminiscent of some of his finest films, Mere Anarchy is an essential collection of tales by the inimitable Woody Allen.

length: (cm)21.4                 width:(cm)13.5




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