Edwardo the Horriblest Boy in the Whole Wide World 爱德华

出版时间:2007-4  出版社:Random House  作者:Burningham, John  页数:32页  


  Edwardo is an ordinary boy, so sometimes he can be a bit
grubby or clumsy, a bit cruel or noisy or rude. The more that he is
criticised, the worse he becomes, until one day they call him 'the
horriblest boy in the whole wide world'. Just then, Edwardo's luck
begins to change, and a series of chance events reveal that really
he is a lovely boy, and has been all along.


  John Burningham is one of the most prestigious and best-loved
illustrators working in the children's book field today. He trained
at the Central School of Art and his first picture book, Borka was
published in 1963. He has won numerous awards during his
distinguished career including the Kate Greenaway Medal (twice) and
the Kurt Maschler Award and his books are enjoyed by children all
over the world.



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