心理学字典The Penguin Dictionary of Psychology

出版时间:1985-12  出版社:福光  作者:Arthur S. Reber 著  页数:880  


This authoritative and wide-ranging reference work has been thoroughly revised to include the latest definitions used in psychology, psychiatry, and related fields. It now features 17,000 entries along with sections that explore the latest developments in neuroscience and social psychology. A first rate reference book, The Penguin Dictionary of Psychology will continue to prove invaluable to students, professionals, and the interested general reader


Arthur S. Reber is professor of psychology at Brooklyn College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. He has published papers in cognitive psychology, the psychology of language, and developmental psychology.


Acknowledgements Preface to First Edition Preface to Second EditionAbbreviations List of Major Entries THE DICTIONARYAppendix A:Simple PhobiasAppendix B:Authorities Cited



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