Catch Me When I Fall 在我坠落时抓住我

出版时间:2006-7  作者:Nicci French  


Be careful who you trust. It might just be the death of you...Holly Krauss lives life in the fast lane. A successful young businesswoman with a stable home life, she is loved and admired by all who meet her. But that's only one side of Holly. The other sees her take regular walks on the wild side - where she makes evermore reckless mistakes. And when those mistakes start mounting up, the two sides of Holly blur together and her life quickly spirals out of control. She thinks she's being stalked, someone is demanding money from her - threats lurk around every corner and those closest to Holly are running out of patience. But is she alone responsible for what's happening? Are her fears just the paranoia of an illness - or intimations of very real danger? And if she can no longer rely on her own judgement, who can she trust to catch her when she falls?




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