The Dream Life of Sukhanov 可汗的梦幻生活

出版时间:2007-1  作者:Olga Grushin  


Stepping out into the dusk of a warm Moscow evening, esteemed art critic Anatoly Sukhanov feels on top of the world: his career is glittering, his wife is beautiful and his children are clever. But the year is 1985 and the air is heavy with change. Sukhanov's future will be haunted by doubt. Beset by heartbreaking visions of a past he gave up, he questions his choices: in swapping a precarious life as a brilliant underground artist for comfort and security did he betray his dreams? And if his dreams are lost, what does he have left? One of the most highly acclaimed debuts of recent years, "The Dream Life of Sukhanov" is a work of demonic energy and startling imagery: a new classic.




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