Peepo! 经典宝宝书

出版时间:2011-4  出版社:Penguin  作者:Ahlberg, Janet; Ahlberg, Allan  


  "Peepo!" has become a classic for babies and toddlers. It
follows a baby through the day in a style full of wit, charm and
ingenuity. A series of holes peeping through to the next page leads
the child on to the next stage in the day, giving a hint of what is
to come. This is an original book that has long delighted young
children - and their parents.


  Allan Ahlberg, a former teacher, postman, plumber's mate and
grave digger, is in the super-league of children's writers. He has
published over 100 children's books and, with his late wife Janet,
created such award winning picture books as EACH PEACH PEAR PLUM
and THE JOLLY POSTMAN - both winners of the Kate Greenaway Medal.
He has also written prize-winning poetry and fiction and lives in



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用户评论 (总计9条)


  •   非常可爱的绘本,通过洞洞吸引宝宝,还能让他先自己猜想洞洞后面是什么场面~很好!
  •   真的是经典,值得购买
  •   喜欢这个作者的书,收了不少,当当的这次活动又收了写,希望进更多好书
  •   非常可爱的一本书,而且印刷精美,比国内的书好太多了,觉得值得购买收藏!
  •   折扣力度很大的时候买的,超值。
  •   没想到这本书这么薄,不过还是蛮有意思的
  •   买来才发现,是本看图讲故事的书,我宝宝1岁多,不太感兴趣呢
  •   不过相对价格来说,感觉有点贵啊,希望能更便宜些
  •   好薄好薄的一本书啊,和想像中的完全不一样,卖得太贵了。而且画面有点杂乱,文字也很多,不太适合小宝宝看吧。

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