当我五岁的时候 When I Was Five

出版时间:1999-8  出版社:Harcourt Childrens Books  作者:Howard, Arthur  


Looking back from the vantage point of a six-year-old, a boy recalls his favorite thingsAall of which have changed, except his best friend. Ages 4-8. (Aug.)   Ages 4-6. A six-year-old boy reflects on what was special to him last year and what he particularly likes this year. Although last year he wanted to be a cowboy or an astronaut (or both, in a lovely scene that shows an astronaut mounted on a dubious-looking horse), this year the boy wants to become a deep-sea diver or a major-league baseball player. And while he now has new favorites when it comes to cars and dinosaurs, his best friend last year is still his best friend this year. As he says, "Some things never change." The vivid, large-scale illustrations, created with a lively, cartoonlike crayon line and brightened with watercolor washes, bring the boy and his world clearly into focus. Howard sensitively captures the changeable nature of children's interests and the stability of the strong friendships some children share. Few books this short and upbeat are as involving and ultimately moving as this one. Teachers looking for stories on friends to read to kindergarten and first-grade classes will request this picture book year after year. Carolyn Phelan.




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  •   good for boys

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