Just a Baseball Game (平装)

出版时间:2003年3月1日  出版社:Golden Books  作者:Mercer Mayer  


Little Critter is on his first baseball team, and he can't wait to play! But when it's time for the first game to begin, the Critterville Critters see who they're up against — the Dinosaurs! They're big, and they know how to hit the ball. Find out who's the pro at sportsmanship!
About the Author
Mercer Mayer has been writing and illustrating children’s books for over 35 years. He began the popular Little Critter series nearly 30 years ago and titled the first book Just for You. His wife, Gina, has been co-writing the series since the early 1990s. The books in this series address the major issues of growing up through humorous storytelling.
Book Dimension
Height (mm) 203 Width (mm) 207



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