Before and Again在此前

出版时间:2004-11-30  出版社:7-09999  作者:DORIS MORTMAN  


After years of suffering from terrible nightmares, Callie Jamieson s mother took her own life when Callie was just a little girl. Now a successful investigative reporter, Callie has done all she can to put the past behind her. But lately, she s been having the same disturbing dream that drove her mother mad-right down to the chilling murder at the end...Anxious and exhausted, Callie must put aside her personal demons when she s assigned an investigative article on the death of Wilty Hale. Wilty was the sole heir to the famed Hale fortune.  He was also Callie s ex-lover. His suspicious death has all of New York asking: Was it murder or suicide? Joining forces with detective Ezra Chapin, Callie learns that right before his death, Wilty was poised to expose a scandalous family secret. But as she sifts through all the evidence, Callie also closes in on the root of her own nightmares-and a startling connection between past and present that could prove deadly...



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