Me...Jane 我叫简

出版时间:2011-4  出版社:Little Brown UK  作者:McDonnell, Patrick  


  In his characteristic heartwarming and minimalistic style,
Patrick McDonnell tells the story of a young Jane Goodall and her
special childhood toy chimpanzee named Jubilee. As the young Jane
observes the natural world around her with wonder, she dreams of 'a
life living with and helping all animals,' until one day she finds
that her dream has come true. One of the world's most inspiring
women, Dr. Jane Goodall is a renowned humanitarian,
conservationist, animal activist, environmentalist, and United
Nations Messenger of Peace. In 1977 she founded the Jane Goodall
Institute (JGI), a global nonprofit organization that empowers
people to make a difference for all living things. With anecdotes
taken directly from Jane Goodall's autobiography, McDonnell makes
this very true story accessible for the very young - and young at


  Patrick McDonnell is the creator of the Mutts comic strip, which
recently celebrated its fifteenth anniversary, as well as several
bestselling children's books including Wag!, The Gift of Nothing,
Just Like Heaven, South, Hug Time, and Art. He has been hailed as
'the next Charles Schulz.


A 2012 Caldecott Honor Book




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用户评论 (总计3条)


  •   孩子虽然三年级了,但我还是喜欢陪着她一起看绘本。亲子间,这书非常好的题材
  •   设计很好,精致温馨;非常耐看,总能一点点注意到更新的东西。故事情节是一个女孩和小猩猩做朋友,好像和真人真事有关
  •   一部有关梦想的书,根据真人真事改编的。看了之后很想按照梦想去努力!

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