The Bumpy Little Pumpkin 怪模怪样的小南瓜 ISBN9780439528344

出版时间:2009-7  作者:Cuyler, Margery  


All summer, Little Nell has tended the garden with BIG Mama, BIG Sarah, and BIG Lizzie, and finally the pumpkins are ready for Halloween. Her sisters choose smooth, round pumpkins to carve, but Little Nell likes a bumpy little one best. Sarah and Lizzie jeer, "It's bumpy and little and ugly!" But Little Nell perseveres. With help from her animal friends, she scoops and carves it into a wonderful jack-o'-lantern! This sweet tale shows that jack-o'-lanterns, like people, come in all shapes and sizes, and that BIG ideas and a BIG heart resound in even the smallest of us.



    The Bumpy Little Pumpkin 怪模怪样的小南瓜 ISBN9780439528344 PDF格式下载

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