
出版时间:1992-4  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:Hewett, Peter R.  页数:326  


is a new book that covers the essentials of ambulance practice in a useful, straightforward manner. The layout of the book is clear, information is easy to find, and it reads well. Written around 53 step-by-step practice guides presented in task analysis format, the text relates anatomy and pathophysiology to principles and techniques of care. The guides detail all the killsrequired for competence.    Additional features to assist learning include: Plans and objectives for self-paced study in every chapter    Specified tasks to develop mastery of skills in context    Knowledge checks for self-evaluation and revision    Realistic case histories    Clear illustration    Designed for students and teachers, this book will also be valuable to experienced officers as a refresher on changes since their initial training. Beyond First Aid is intended for use in all countries where ambulance service, not the paramedic technician, is the established model.    作者简介:    Peter Hewett SB St J, A Dip T, Grad Dip Ed Admin, MIAO(A), MAITD, is Co-ordinator, Associate Diploma Health Science (Ambulance Officer), Ambulance Officers' Training Centre, Melbourne. He trained as a medic in the Royal Australian Navy, where he served for 6 years, and since then has spent 20 years in ambulance operations in South Australia and Victoria both as a road crew member and as a training officer.


Guide to using the textSection 1 Introduction to practice  1 Before we start  2 Getting started  3 Homeostasis  4 Of behaviourSection 2 Clinical problems  5 Of breathing status  6 Ofperfusion status  7 Of conscious status  8 Approach to trauma  9 Advanced life supportSection 3 The life cycle  10 Of birth and children  11 Of ageing  12 Of death and dyingAppendix A Practical skills guides Guides listedAppendix B AnswersAppendix C Glossary of termsIndex



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