21种方法发现和平和幸福 21 Ways to Finding Peace and Happiness

出版时间:2007-5  出版社:艺洲  作者:Meyer, Joyce  页数:285  


In today's world, peace is hard to come by.When personal desires are followed, serenityis forfeited. By submitting one's life to God, apeace-filled life is ensured. Maintaining peaceis a choice, says Joyce Meyer, as she discusseshow to be at peace with yourself, the importanceof having peace with God, and the paradoxthat peace equals power. Joyce says peaceis one of the greatest gifts God has given us,and is the only way to true happiness. Readerswill find 21 WAYS TO FINDING PEACE HAPPINESS to be a guidebook for success ontheir journey.


IntroductionPart 1 BE AT PEACE WITH GOD  Peacekeeper #1 Trust the Lord of Peace  Peacekeeper #2 Make Peace Through a Surrendered Will  Peacekeeper #3 Know Your Enemy  Peacekeeper #4 Don't Worry About the Future  Peacekeeper #5 Don't Be Double-Minded  Peacekeeper #6 Stay Supernaturally Relaxed  Peacekeeper #7 Avoid Strife to Maintain Peace with GodPart 2 BE AT PEACE WITH YOURSELF  Peacekeeper #8 Stop Rushing  Peacekeeper #9 Accept Yourself  Peacekeeper #10 Focus on Your Unique Strengths  Peacekeeper #11 Keep Your Priorities in Order  Peacekeeper #12 Protect Your Health  Peacekeeper #13 Avoid Financial Pressure  Peacekeeper #14 Keep Your Thoughts AbovePart 3 BE AT PEACE WITH OTHERS  Peacekeeper #15 Esteem Others as Higher than Yourself  Peacekeeper #16 Adapt Yourself to the Needs of Others  Peacekeeper #17 Beware of Idle Talk  Peacekeeper #18 Establish Boundaries with People  Peacekeeper #19 Let Go of Offenses  Peacekeeper #20 Maintain a Quiet Inner Life  Peacekeeper #21 Aggressively Pursue PeaceAbout the Author



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  •   听joycemeyer布道就感受到她非凡的魅力,书本更是充实了我的感受。词语简明易懂,道理也是一样。

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