夜落Night Fall

出版时间:2004-12  出版社:Grand Central Pub  作者:DeMille, Nelson  页数:692  


millennium 90's, makes a return appearance in a thoughtful novel offering an alternative to the government's "official" position on what really happened to TWA Flight 800, which crashed off the Long Island coast in the summer of 1996. Accompanying his wife Kate to a memorial marking the five-year anniversary of the crash, Corey's curiosity is aroused by what appears to be a concerted effort by Kate's fellow federal agents to keep him--and her--from investigating a case that appears to be closed. Corey's detecting skills lead him to two witnesses to the crash, who were enjoying an adulterous interlude on the beach at the time the plane went down--and videotaping their sexual escapades while what appears to be a terrorist missile attack takes place in the background. What ratchets up the tension in this capably written thriller is what the reader knows but Corey doesn't as he heads for a showdown with those responsible for the official cover-up as the clock ticks down to the morning of September 11, 2001. DeMille's deft touch with a riddle wrapped in an enigma--what really happened to Flight 800--makes his "what if" scenario a more than plausible theory; you don't have to believe in conspiracies or government cover-ups to find his latest engrossing, entertaining, and enlightening. --Jane AdamsAmazon.com Exclusive ContentNelson DeMille on Night Fall: An Exclusive Essay It was a true story, the explosion of TWA Flight 800 off the coast of Long Island in 1996, that inspired Nelson DeMille to write the fictional Night Fall. Read this Amazon.com exclusive essay for insight into the coincidences that made this tragedy a subject DeMille couldn't ignore.



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用户评论 (总计1条)


  •   我只能说,你决不会后悔买了并读了这本小说。它的娱乐性和引人入胜的程度不亚于电影院里的一部大片。后9/11时代,每个人都被推向了反恐的前线,每个人都是可疑的,你再也不能像从前那样轻松愉快的登上飞机。但有时候,我们的命运仍然不是严格的安检和空防要求就能保护的。小说的结尾有点意料之中又十分意料之外。意料之中是因为,你在阅读的过程当中很难不去想起这件事,但意料之外的是,你绝想不到在如此靠近结尾的地方、在你如此毫无防备的时候,作者让你体味了一把那事件亲历者的感受。

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