Pirate School海盗学校

出版时间:1996-8  出版社:Price Stern Sloan  作者:Dubowski, Cathy East  页数:48  


Grade 1-3?Pete is a young pirate who attends school on a pirate ship where the rules are geared toward the unkindly:"Finders keepers,losers weepers."Captain Bones encourages fighting to solve disputes,and Pete is happy to wrestle with classmate Grimy after a name-calling match.On Treasure Hunt Day,Pete and Grimy find themselves forced to cooperate in order to escape certain death and decide to share the treasure "Even Steven"down to the last gold coin.Children will enjoy this beginning reader with all of the bickering and rule reversals.The cartoon illustrations are well done,with interesting backgrounds and each character's feelings clear from his facial expressions.The combination of full-page and smaller pictures on white pages works well.?Sharon R.



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