
出版时间:2005-11  出版社:Penguin USA  作者:Plume  页数:150  


The name of the game is Sudoku, Japanese for "number place," but no knowledge Of Japanese language or arithmetic is required to enjoy the game that has sparked a mania around the world. It's a fever that is now spreading to the United States, as readers of the New York Post and Los Angeles Times can readily attest.    Veterans of other highly addictive logic games such as Rubik's Cube, Tetris, or Minesweeper will love the fresh challenge of Sudoku. It's a wordless logic crossword that leaves even the most dedicated puzzle enthusiasts scratching their heads. Here in one volume is all you need to get started-150 Sudoku puzzles (and solutions) along with easy-to-follow instructions and strategies. Solve these entirely with logic and you'll arrive at the right answer-but be warned: the more you solve, the more you'll want to play!


Introduction  What Is Sudoku?  How to PlayPuzzles  Solutions



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  •   公司里有个老外一直想买一本英文版的数独,当当网上就查到了这本,买来给了她,她说太简单了,最好还有难点推荐给我。

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