Frommer波士顿旅游指南 2008Frommer's Boston 2008

出版时间:2007-9  出版社:Pap/Map (2007年9月4日)  作者:Marie Morris  页数:306  


Frommer's. The best trips start here.    Experience a place the way the locals do. Enjoy the best it has to offer.    Insider tips from a longtime Boston resident to help you make the most of your visit.    Outspoken opinions on what's worth your time and what's not.    Exact prices, so you can plan the perfect trip whatever your budget.    Off-the-beaten-path experiences and undiscovered gems, plus new takes on top attractions.


List of Maps. What’s New in Boston. 1. The Best of Boston.   1.The Nost Unforgettable Experiences  2.The Best Splurge Hotes     3.The Best Moderately Priced Hotels   4.The Most Unforgettable Dining Experiences  5.The Best Free Things to Do  6.The Best Outdoor Activities  7.The Best Museums  8.The Best Activites for Families2. Planning Your Trip to Boston.   1.Visitor Information & Maps  2.Entry Requirements  3.When to Go Boston Calendar of Events  4.Getting There Lets Make a Deal   5.Money & Costs  6.Travel Insurance  7.Health  8.Safety  9.Specialized Travel Resoutes  10.Sustainable Tourism/Ecotourism  11.Staying Conncted Travel Resouce  12.Packages for the Independent Traveler  13.Escorted General-Interest Tours3. Suggested Boston Itineraries. 4. Getting to Know Boston. 5. Where to Stay. 6. Where to Dine. 7. What to See & Do in Boston. 8. Boston Strolls. 9. Shopping. 10. Boston After Dark. 11. Side Trips from Boston. Appendix: Boston in Depth. Index.



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