俄语短语Russian Phrases For Dummies

出版时间:2007-11  作者:Kaufman, Andrew/ Gettys, Serafina, Ph.d./ Wieda, Nina  页数:202  


Hundreds of useful phrases at your fingertips  Speak Russian - instantly!  Traveling to Russia but don't know Russian? Need to kick up your conversation skills? This handy little phrasebook will jump-start your comprehension and have you speaking basic Russian in no time.   Andrew Kaufman, PhD, is a Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Virginia. Serafima Gettys, PhD, is a Coordinator of the Foreign Language Program at Lewis University. Nina Wieda is a doctoral student at Northwestern University.  Discover how to:  Get directions, shop, and eat out  Talk numbers, dates, and times  Chat about family and work  Discuss sports and the weather  Deal with problems and emergencies.


Introduction. Chapter 1: I Say It How? Speaking Russian. Chapter 2: Grammar on a Diet: Just the Basics. Chapter 3: Numerical Gumbo: Counting of All Kinds. Chapter 4: Making New Friends and Enjoying Small Talk. Chapter 5: Enjoying a Drink and a Snack (or a Meal!). Chapter 6: Shop ’Til You Drop. Chapter 7: Making Leisure a Top Priority. Chapter 8: When You Gotta Work. Chapter 9: I Get Around: Transportation. Chapter 10: Laying Down Your Weary Head: House or Hotel. Chapter 11: Dealing with Emergencies. Chapter 12: Ten Favorite Russian Expressions. Chapter 13: Ten Phrases That Make You Sound Russian. Index.



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