马爱好者指南Tips and Tidbits for the Horse Lover

出版时间:2007-10  出版社:Howell Book House  作者:Tena Bastian  页数:147  


With more than 300 morsels of intriguing information and one-of-a-kind illustrations, this is a fascinating romp through the world of horses. Along the way, you'll find answers to questions like:   What was so unique about Caesar's horse?   How do you lead a horse to water and make him drink?   Exactly how many horses did they use in Hidalgo, anyway?   Why would you use a leaf blower inside of a barn?   Why shouldn't you walk through a hotel lobby with spurs on in Phoenix, Arizona?   Who said, "I can make a General in five minutes but a good horse is hard to replace?"   This collection of equestrian trivia, lore, and more is equally at home on the coffee table or in the stable. It's a book you'll savor again and again. 作者简介:  TENA BASTIAN is known both as a Western poet and as an equestrian expert. She has presented seminars at equine expositions across the United States and been a featured speaker on The Horse Show with Rick Lamb and Pet Talk Radio. Tena and her husband own and stand their three-time World Qualifying Stallion,This Beau's Eligible, on their ranch in Ohio. Tena also authored The Horses We Love, The Lessons We Learn(Howell Book House).


In Good CompanyNow That's EntertainmentMyths,Legends,and HistoryA Way Out WestSports and LeisureWar HorsesAll In the Family



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