Europe For Dummies,5th ed.欧洲导览,第5版

出版时间:2009-1  出版社:For Dummies  作者:Donald Olson,Liz Albertson,Cheryl A. Pientka,George McDonald,Darwin Porter,Danforth Prince,Hana Mastrini,Bruce Murphy,Alessandra de Rosa,Neil Edward Schlecht,Tania Kollias  页数:620  


For Dummies Travel guides are the ultimate user-friendly trip planners, combining the broad appeal and time-tested features of the For Dummies series with up-to-the-minute advice and information from the experts at Frommer's.   Small trim size for use on-the-go   Focused coverage of only the best hotels and restaurants in all price ranges   Tear-out "cheat sheet" with full-color maps or easy reference pointers   作者简介:  Donald Olson (Chapters 1–11 and 15) is a novelist, playwright, and travel writer. His newest novel, Confessions of a Pregnant Princess, was published in 2005 under the pen name Swan Adamson. His travel stories have appeared in The New York Times, Travel & Leisure, Sunset, National Geographic books, and many other publications. His guidebooks London For Dummies, Frommer’s Best Day Trips from London, Frommer’s Irreverent London, Germany For Dummies, and Frommer’s Vancouver & Victoria are all published by Wiley. He also writes England For Dummies, which won a 2002 Lowell Thomas Travel Writing Award for best guidebook.


IntroductionPart Ⅰ Introducing Europe Chapter 1:Discovering the Best Of Europe Chapter 2:Deciding When and Where to Go Chapter 3:Presenting Five Great ltinerariesPart Ⅱ:Planning your Trip to Europe Chapter 4:Managing Your Money Chapter 5:Getting to Europe Chapter 6:Getting Around Europe Chapter 7:Booking Your Accommodations Chapter 8:Catering to Special Travel Needs or Interests Chapter 9:Taking Care of the Remaining DetailsPart Ⅲ The British Isles Chapter 10:London and the Best of England Chapter 11:Edinburgh and the Best of Scotland Chapter 12:Dublin and the Best OfIrelandPart Ⅳ Central Europe Chapter 13:Paris and Environs Chapter 14:Amsterdam and Environs Chapter 15:Munich and Bavaria Chapter 16:Vienna and the Best Of Austria Chapter 17:Bern and the Swiss Alps Chapter 18:Prague and EnvironsPart Ⅴ Mediterranean Europe Chapter 19:Rome and Southern Italy Chapter 20:Florence and Tuscany Chapter 21:Venice and Environs Chapter 22:Madrid and the Best of Castile Chapter 23:The Best Of Barcelona Chapter 24:Athens and the Greek lslandsPart Ⅵ The Part of Tens Chapter 25:The Ten Most Overrated Sights and Attractions in Europe Chapter 26:Ten Overlooked Gems Chapter 27:Ten Ways to Break Out Of the Tourist MoldAppendix:Quick ConciergeIndex



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用户评论 (总计2条)


  •   这是amazon.com也还没有上市的第五版,居然在当当已经有货了。买时没好好看介绍,本以为是欧洲简介,结果是欧洲自助游,里面都是旅游介绍,不过也蛮有参考价值的。
  •   除了封面,都是黑白的页面的,不知道为什么会这么贵?!看了介绍出发前准备的内容,感觉就是人不在美国就不应该买这本书,很多资料都是美国特有的,郁闷~地图也不怎么样,黑白的,看起来就是不爽

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