成功投资与贸易的观念与战略The Nature of Trends

出版时间:2007-10  作者:Ray Barros  页数:166  


Today's market participants have a myriad of tools at their disposal. Yet the success rate is that of old - 80% to 90% of traders fail to achieve their financial goals. This book shows traders how to get their investment act together. It covers in detail the three requirements needed for success: Winning psychology, effective money management and a written trading plan with an edge.  The Nature of Trends also provides unique tools (for example the MIDAS tool) that provide low risk trade entry by telling the trader the level at which an entry may be safely effected   Finally, the book provides the "Rule of 3" to manage a trade. These rules allow the trader to take profits and hold on for long-term profits without increasing risk


Acknowledgements Introduction Chapter 1: Definition and Identification of Trends Chapter 2: Change in Trend Patterns Chapter 3: The Impact of Timeframes Chapter 4: Derivative Indicators Chapter 5: Barros Swings in Action Chapter 6: Formulas for Constructing Resource Page




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