
出版时间:2002-3  出版社:John Wiley & Sons  作者:Kermally, Sultan  页数:194  


Knowledge Management (KM) remains high on the critical business agenda. Using the proven CBI Fast Track blueprint format, this book explains sin simple and concise terms how you and your company can understand the critical issues of KM, create the right culture and conditions for effective knowledge transfer, incorporate technologies into your long-term KM strategy and accurately measure the benefits KM brings. Sultan Kermally is a highly-experienced practitioner who offers a clear, hands-on approach to a difficult-to-master topic.


Series Foreword (Digby Jones) About the Author Acknowledgements Introduction: Managing Knowledge without Tears Best Practice Transfer: A Business Imperative Creating Organisational Knowledge of External Changes The Importance of Managing Knowledge Creating and Transferring Knowledge in Your Organisation: Focusing on Employees and Customers Technology and Knowledge Management The Leadership Factor and Knowledge Management Knowledge, Intangible Assets and Superior PerformanceMeasuring Intangible Assets Knowledge Management in Practice: Making a Start A to Z of Managing Knowledge Further Reading 10 Useful Web SitesReferences Index



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