Full-Color Japanese Textile Designs CD-ROM and Book 全色日本纺织品设计图集

出版时间:2005-12  出版社:C. Estrade Dover Publications Inc. (2006-03出版)  作者:C. Estrade  页数:48  


Nearly 200 serene, stylized images display the Japanese knack for artfully turning design elements into subtle and classically beautiful patterns. Abstracts, florals, insects, geometrics, and other images — in single and repeat patterns — are resplendently reproduced in full color from the finest Japanese textiles. 187 full-color illustrations.


书评Synopsis  The selection of nearly 200 elaborate patterns and strikingly simple designs is resplendently reproduced in full colour from the finest Japanese textiles. Dover Electronic Design series: permission-free illustrations and designs for art, craft, business and educational use. Hundreds of designs scanned at 600 dpi and saved in the most popular formats; can be used for Mac[registered] and Windows[registered]. Each set contains CD-ROM and book with every image on the CD printed large for easy reference or direct use.




    Full-Color Japanese Textile Designs CD-ROM and Book 全色日本纺织品设计图集 PDF格式下载

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