Astrology and Astronomy CD-ROM and Book 占星术和天文学

出版时间:2006-4  作者:Ernst Lehner  页数:48  


Scores of signs, seals, and symbols-from the simplest drawings of heavenly bodies to the intriguing signs of the zodiac-are recorded here by two of the world's foremost experts in the field of graphic art. Amassed from Far Eastern, medieval, and other sources, more than 400 extraordinary illus-trations depict the planets, Milky Way, ancient and modern constellations, comets and meteors, asteroids, and other galactic marvels.    As enchanting to browse through as a rare, old manuscript, this unique, roy-alty-free compendium will serve as a multipurpose reference of striking designs for artists and designers. It also offers a glimpse of some of the folk-lore of primitive astronomy and astrology.




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