
出版时间:2006-12  出版社:群言出版社  作者:本社  


剑桥标准商务英语教程》(Cambridge Business Benchmark)共由三个级别构成,分别对应BEC考试的三个级别:初级(Preliminary)、中级(Vantage)、高级(Higher)。每一级别又包含学生用书(四色印刷,书中附有录音光盘)、教师用书、自学手册。  本套教程内容真实丰富,贴近当今的商业社会。就语音素材而言,其中的受访者全部是现实生活中的商业人士。Brook-Hart教授从最初长达12小时的采访样带中精选出含TESCO, Tea UK, Espresso, Disney Channel, MediaCom等国际知名企业普通员工或高管访谈的片段,奉献给读者。就文字素材而言,来自the Economist等著名财经媒体的文章更是比比皆是。


AcknowledgementsIntroductionHuman  resources Unit 1: Staff development and training Unit 2. Job descriptions and job satisfaction Unit 3: Letters of enquiry and applications Unit 4: Telephone skillsMarketing Unit 5: Promotional activities and branding Unit 6: New product development Unit 7: A stand at a trade fair Unit 8: Establishing relationships and negotiatingStarting new business activities Unit 9: Going it alone Unit 10: Financing the start-up Unit 11: Starting up in a new location Unit 12: Presenting your business ideaBusiness travel Unit 13: Business hotels and sales conferences Unit 14: Business conferences Unit 15: Reports Unit 16: Business meetingsNew technologies, innovation and change Unit 17: New technologies and change Unit 18: Using the Internet Unit 19: A staff survey Unit 20: Offshoring and outsourcingCustomer relations Unit 21: Customer loyalty Unit 22: Communication with customers Unit 23: Corresponding with customers Unit 24: A business seminarExam skills and Exam practice



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用户评论 (总计2条)


  •   这本书几乎没有任何价值,里面的内容就是学生用书后面的答案,根本没用新意.还是最贵的一本书,就是翻版印刷,买了我就放一边,根本没用,和学生用书的质量和价值天壤之别.
  •   whocanhelpmetocheckthisissue,itisveryurgentformeorcanyoutellmewhenarrieve,tks

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