Five Little Monkeys Wash the Car board book 五只小猴子洗汽车

出版时间:2010-5  出版社:Houghton Mifflin  作者:Christelow, Eileen  页数:32页  


The five little monkeys and Mama are eager to get a new car.
The five little monkeys clean and paint their old car until it
sparkles like new. But who will buy it? Perhaps those clever
monkeys can convince their cranky crocodile neighbours that what
they really need is ...yes, a car! Children will love predicting
how the five little monkeys will deal with each new challenge,
making this a perfect story for interactive reading. Lively verse
and Eileen Christelow's inimitably comic illustrations put the five
little monkeys in the driver's seat in more ways than one.


Born in Washington, D.C., Eileen Christelow went to school there
and in Connecticut, Tokyo, and Massachusetts. When she decided to
write and illustrate picture books for young children, she and her
daughter, Heather, "researched the problem together, taking weekly
trips tot he library and reading at bedtime and nap time." Eileen
Christelow and her husband, potter Ahren Ahrenholz, now live in
Dummerston, Vermont.




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用户评论 (总计9条)


  •   我家宝宝满7个月了,天天给她读书,她也很喜欢听,并且很专注的看书。这本书里的小猴子很可爱,卡板书,真期待看到孩子自己翻书,并且用稚嫩的声音读书的样子。已经N次在当当购书了,方便快捷,比较适合在家照顾孩子不方便出门的妈妈。
  •   下决心一定要把著名的五只小猴子收齐,呵呵,不知道是儿子喜欢,还是自己有收集癖好。
  •   这本卡板书真的很可爱,从外形到内容都很可爱,大人孩子都喜欢!
  •   超爱卡板书的。
  •   物美价廉,非常喜欢
  •   纸板书,先屯着
  •   儿子喜欢看,认识猴子、鳄鱼,跑车了再大一点也能看
  •   很喜欢,质量还不错,就是儿子老让翻译
  •   字体小,字数多,内容多,所以可能比较适合3-4岁,甚至学龄儿童。

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