美国电视全接触 TOM HILL

出版时间:2001-11  出版社:Fireside  作者:Thomas Hill  页数:354  


Carl Reiner Any book that includes three episodes of The Dick Van Dyke Show in its list of 100 Best has to be considered a major masterwork. I applaud its publication. Read this entertaining book and learn how it was done and how you too can do it.   TV Land, the network of America's television favorites, delivers opinionated, informed, and, most of all, humorous takes on everything television! Who are the fifteen grumpiest TV characters? What are the twenty-nine most important comic formulas? What were Chuck Woolery's six careers? Plus TV haiku, TV anagrams, the great literary works that were the progenitors of the sitcom genre, and behind-the-scenes facts and stories that are sure to enhance your television experience. In fact, you'll never watch TV the same way again. TV Land to Go will become as indispensable as your remote control!




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