Blue's Bubbly Tub (浴室书)

出版时间:1998年07月  出版社:Simon Spotlight/Nickelodeon (1998年7月1日)  作者:Buster Yablonsky  


That cuddly chromatic pup of the television series Blue's  Clues is at it again--this time Blue is taking a splash in the  bath! And while she's soaping up and sudsing off the dirt, little ones  will learn some basic hygiene, anatomy lessons, and a bit about  numbers.  "Will you help Blue shampoo her two... (Blue's ears poke up  out of the suds)? And scrub her two front... (two dirty paws hang over  the edge of the tub)?" This puffy plastic book is perfect for your  favorite youngster's bathtime--especially as the whole thing is  waterproof! (Baby to preschool)



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