Fly High! 越飞越高

出版时间:2004-1  出版社:Simon & Schuster  作者:Borden, Louise/ Flavin, Teresa (ILT)/ Kroeger, Mary Kay  


When Bessie Coleman was a child, she wanted to be in school --
not in the cotton fields of Texas, helping her family earn money.
She wanted to be somebody significant in the world. So Bessie did
everything she could to learn under the most challenging of
circumstances. At the end of every day in the fields she checked
the foreman's numbers -- made sure his math was correct. And this
was just the beginning of a life of hard work and dedication that
really paid off: Bessie became the first African-American to earn a
pilot's license. She was "somebody."


Ann Petry is also the author of Harriet Tubman: Conductor on
the Underground Railroad, a 1955 ALA Notable Childrens Book and
a 1955 New York Times Book Review Outstanding Book. She lives in
Old Saybrook, CT.



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