花仙子日记 A Flower Fairies Journal

出版时间:2006-2  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:Cicely Mary Barker  


The year is 1920, and a young (and as yet unpublished) Cicely Mary Barker is staying at a friend's cottage in Storrington, West Sussex, for the spring and summer. Over the months as she sketches and writes in the gardens and grounds, she starts to suspect the presence of fairies in the flowers all around her. Her journal reveals her thoughts and musings, and includes sketches, research into general fairy folklore and many more extra items, as she searches for evidence that the Flower Fairies exist! Although a fictional account, the "Flower Fairies Journal" ties in with real dates and events, uses Cicely Mary Barker's sketches, artwork and samples from her poems, and contains many beautiful design elements from the 1920's and 1930's.




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  •   书是好书,只可惜当收到时书已有一定程度的人为破坏,这是很可惜的.书籍本身绝对很不错,虽然内容不多,但字体绝对漂亮,插画绝对好看.色彩斑斓,很符合<花仙子日记>之题.无论日记本身是真是假,确实给读者以很大的想像空间.而且将一些具体如火车票,请柬,借书卡,小书籍之类的小物件以或印刷或粘贴的方式融入到日记当中,真的是相当的棒!等女儿能够独立进行日记写作时,我一定要建议她采取这样的方式纪录生活中的点点滴滴.比如说,这次出门旅游时的火车票,飞机票和回来后看<喜羊羊和灰太狼之牛气冲天>的电影票,都可以作为回忆内容的一部分保留在日记本中.当然,这份日记要等她会写更多的字时才可以.呵呵,想想都很开心,等女儿自己亲手创作出属于自己的色彩斑斓内容翔实的日记册,会是怎样的欣喜呢!从这点启发上来讲,这本书无论多贵都是超值的!只可惜书里的附件因撕毁而缺失,无法欣赏其原貌.我只能凭自己的理解进行相关修复,只能安慰自己说:在我的修复之后,这本书是绝对的独一无二了.

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