法律写作与分析Legal Writing & Analysis

出版时间:2003-1  出版社:Aspen Publishers  作者:Linda H.Edwards  页数:342  


Strengths of this new text include:    consistent use of the legal method approach, from an opening chapter providing an overview of a civil case and the lawyer's role, followed by information about the legal system, case briefing, synthesizing cases, a nd statutory interpretation;    emphasis on analogical reasoning and synthesizing cases, as well as rule-based and policy-based reasoning, with explanations of how to use these types of reasoning to organize a legal discussion;    coverage of the use of precedent, particularly on how to use cases;    superior discuss ion of small-scale organization, including the thesis paragraph;    integrated coverage of the writing process, including prewriting, writing, and revising;    Students will learn everything they need know to write effective legal documents in this concise, new paperback text.作者简介:    LEGAL WRITING AND ANALYSIS is a straightforward, contemporary, and exceptionally well-written text by Linda H. Edwards that gives students a solid introduction to the legal writing and analysis skills they will use throughout their careers.


ContentsPrefaceAknowledgmentsPart One: Lawyers and the Legal Landscape  1. Overview of the Lawyer's Role  2. The Legal System, the Common Law Process, and Kinds of AuthorityPart Two: Reading and Analyzing the Law  3. Briefing and Synthesizing Cases  4. Interpreting Statutes  5. Forms of Legal ReasoningPart Three: Writing the Discussion of a Legal Question  6. The Writing Process and Law-Trained Readers  7. Large-Scale Organization: Creating an Annotated Outline  8. Small-Scale Organization: Explaining the Law  9. Small-Scale Organization: Applying the Law  10. Discussing Multiple Issues: Putting It All Together  11. Deepening Your AnalysisPart Four: Predictive Writing  12. Writing an Office Memo  13. Writing Professional LettersPart Five: The Shift to Advocacy  14. Introduction to Brief-Writing  15. Point Headings  16. Writing a Fact Statement  17. Writing a Trial-Level Brief  18. Writing an Appellate Brief  19. Using Legal Theory to Sharpen Your ArgumentsPart Six: Style and Formalities  20. Citations and Quotations  21. Paragraphs, Sentences, and StylePart Seven: Oral Advocacy  22. Oral ArgumentAppendicesIndex



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