刑事诉讼,2006案例和法令补充Criminal Procedure 2006 Case Supplement

出版时间:2006-12  出版社:Aspen Publishers  作者:Marc L. Miller 著  页数:340  


PrefaceTable of Cases1 The Border of Criminal Procedure:Daily Interactions Between Citizens and Police2 Brief Searches and Stops3 Full Searches of People and Places :Basic Concepts4 Searches in Recurring Contexts5 Arrests6 Remedies for Unteasonable Searches and Seiazues7 The Inmpact of Technology8 Interrogations9 Identifications10 Complex Investigations11 Defense Counsel12 Pretrial Relese and Detention13 Charging14 Jeopardy and Joinder15 Discovery and Speedy Trial16 Pleas and Bargins17 Decisionmakers at Trial18 Witnesses and Proof19 Sentencing20 Appeals21 Habeas Corpus



    刑事诉讼,2006案例和法令补充Criminal Procedure 2006 Case Supplement PDF格式下载

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