Florence Nightingale 弗罗伦斯.南丁格尔

出版社:USBORNE EXPORT  作者:Russell Punter,Natacha Goransky 著  页数:63  


The remarkable story of Florence Nightingale, from her privileged childhood to the horrors of her work in the Crimea and as a hospital reformer.    Illustrated with evocative, full colour pictures.    Usborne Famous Lives retell the stories of fascinating people, bringing them vividly to life for confident readers.    Internet links to recommended websites via the Usborne Quicklinks Website.Part of Young Reading Series 3 for fully confident readers.


Chapter 1 A defiant daughterChapter 2 The voice of God?Chapter 3 Fightin9 FanngChapter 4 Florence tokes chargeChapter 5 Heir on earthChapter 6 FameChapter 7 Workin9 flat outNurse Nightingale - Mu Life



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