
出版时间:2005-10  出版社:Linda Fairstein Sphere (2005-10出版)  作者:Linda Fairstein  


After a lull of four years, the 'silk stocking rapist' is back at work on the Upper East side, but this time Assistant DA Alexandra Cooper and Detective Mike Chapman have perfect DNA evidence to work with. They also have a much older case to work on - a skeleton has been found entombed in the wall of a house Edgar Allan Poe once lived in, but it turns out to be a relatively modern murder - from 1978. On the day the discovery of this body is leaked to the press, Alex gets a call that the silk stocking rapist has struck again, this time fatally. Or has he? The m.o. isn't precisely the same as the others, and it transpires that the victim worked in Poe's old house in 1978. Are the cases linked or is someone trying to silence possible witness to a thirty-five-year-old murder? With consummate skill, Linda Fairstein has created an outstanding crime novel, layered with the history of New York, the roller-coaster everyday life of a prosecutor and culminating with a surprising but satisfying denouement.


Linda Fairstein was the Assistant DA of Manhattan's sex crimes unit before taking early retirement in 2002 to concentrate on her writing. She divides her time between New York and Martha's Vineyard.


** 'A quiet beginning, but once the engine is running, this one hits top gear.' INDEPENDENT ON SUNDAY


Review  ** 'A quiet beginning, but once the engine is running, this one hits top gear.' INDEPENDENT ON SUNDAY   



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