Next Accident下一个意外

出版时间:2001-12  出版社:7-09999  作者:Lisa Gardner  


What do you do when a killer targets the people you most love?  FBI Special Agent Pierce Quincy is haunted by his daughter's death.  The official report concluded that Amanda was driving drunk when her car careered out of control.  Pierce knew about his daughter's problem with alcohol, and about her loneliness and insecurity.  So, he is sure, did the man who killed her...Rainie Connor knows well the dark side of the human heart.  An ex-cop with a past overshadowed by violence, she was once involved with Pierce in a harrowing case that brought them together personally and professionally.  Then, he came to her rescue.  Now it is time for her to help him...This killer is different.  He has an insatiable hunger for revenge...and for fear.  He isn't satisfied with taking his victims' lives - he wants to get inside their minds and strip them of every defence.  His plan is terrifying but brilliant and his target is no secret: Quincy's only surviving daughter.  Rainie believes that onl y way to stop him is to put herself directly into the killer's murderous path and become herself...the next accident.



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