Jack: Happy Birthday (精装)

出版时间:1998年03月  出版社:1998-03-02 (1998年3月2日)  作者:Rebecca Elgar  


At his birthday party Jack identifies the shapes of his parcels before discovering, to his delight, their contents. A final surprise brings the guessing-game to an end.
It's Jack the pup's birthday, and like any inquisitive youngster, he's trying to guess his presents' contents by their shapes. Readers have it easythe triangle-shaped package is a toy sailboat, while the easy-to-predict gift is a ball. It's all illustrated in bright colors and heavy, easy-to-see black outlines. A bold pop-up ends the tale, displaying a tableau of Jack and relevant objects, plus a key to help toddlers identify things by color and shape. Fun until the flaps wear off, which they may from the repeated work-outs this book is certain to enjoy. (Board book. 1-3)

length: (cm)17.6                 width:(cm)17.6



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