(有效推销12招)12 Cliches of Selling, The

出版时间:2001-12  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:Barry Farber  页数:240  


Written by Barry Farber, one of the country's "best known, most respected and incredibly successful sales gurus" (Entrepreneur magazine), 12 CLICHES OF SELLING (AND WHY THEY WORK) is steeped in the language and knowledge of what it takes to sell. It uses one cliche per chapter as a starting point - and mines its truth and powerful wisdom. Never take no for an answer, for example, belies the image of the stereotypical make-the-sale-at-any-cost salesperson and focuses on finding ways to get around obstacles, such as making the gatekeeper your ally and using humour to open closed doors. You never get a second chance to make a first impression shows how to sell yourself first, how to make people like, trust, and respect you, and how and why to make eye contact and keep a questioning attitude. Your attitude determines your altitude describes how to build and maintain a positive attitude, even in the face of rejection.


Introduction: That's Such a ClichésChapter 1: It Takes ALL KindsChapter 2: NeverTake No for an AnswerChapter 3: The Relationship Is EVERYTHINGChapter 4: Your ATTTTUDE Determines Your AltitudeChapter 5: The HARDER You Work the LUCKIER You GetChapter 6" Fail to Plan, Plan to FailChapter 7: It's Not WHAT You Know, It's WHO You KnowChapter 8: Knowledge Is POWERChapter 9: You Can't Fit a SQUARE Peg inw a ROUND HoleChapter 10: Don't Sell the Steak, Sell the SIZZLEChapter 11: You GET WhatVou Pay ForChapter 12: Honesty Is the Best Policy



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