Qualitative Research and Case Study Applications in Education教育中的定性研究与案例分析

出版时间:1997-09-15  出版社:Jossey-Bass  作者:Sharan B. Merriam  页数:275  


"Those new to qualitative research will find this book an invaluable resource—one that will open up the conceptual world of qualitative research and provide the step-by-step direction needed to translate those concepts into practice." (M. Carolyn Clark, Department of Educational Human Resource Development, College of Education, Texas A&M University    "Sharan Merriam has added ten years of experience and scholarship to the new edition and it shows throughout.... a comprehensive and useful treatment of educational case study research." (Michael Quinn Patton, author of Qualitative Evaluation and Research Methods and Utilization-Focused Evaluation)     "Whether novice or experienced in qualitative research in education, readers will benefit from the systematic treatment of this arena through grounded practice and superb scholarship." (Brian Findsen, senior lecturer in adult education, The University of Auckland


PrefaceThe AuthorPart One: The Design of Qualitative Research  1.What Is Qualitative Research?  2.Case Studies as Qualitative Research  3.Designing the Study and Selecting a SamplePart Two: Collecting Qualitative Data  4.Conducting Effective Interviews  5.Being a Careful Observer  6.Mining Data from Documents  7.Collecting Data in Case StudiesPart Three: Analyzing and Reporting Qualitative Data  8.Analytic Techniques and Data Management  9.Levels of Analysis  10.Dealing with Validity, Reliability, and Ethics  11.Writing Reports and Case StudiesReferencesName IndexSubject Index




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