
出版时间:2007-3  出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc  作者:Susan L. Preston  页数:376  


Angel Financing for Entrepreneurs will give you the information you need to understand how angel investors think, as well as how to identify investor expectations, understand the investment analysis process, and prepare for post-investment requirements. Written by Susan Preston, an experienced angel investor, worldwide speaker and consultant on angel financing, and former Kauffman Foundation Entrepreneur-in-Residence, this hands-on resource, explains the factors that determine how private equity investors spend their money and what they expect from entrepreneurs. For example:   Most venture capitalists do not invest in seed or start-up financing rounds   Investors typically require seasoned management, with successful start-up experience   Investors are looking for entrepreneurs with passion for their ideas and the willingness to take and apply sound advice   Business plans must be well-written with detailed financial projections that extend 3–5 years   Investors are looking for a clear path to profitability in the business model   Entrepreneurs must have developed a corporate structure that is clean and uncomplicated  And much more.


Foreword by Honorable Lorrie Keating Heinemann.   1. Introduction.  2. The Basics About Angel Investors. 3. Private Equity Investing.  4. Understanding Your Funding Needs.  5. Looking for Angels and What Angels Are Looking For.  6. Preparing for Investors.  7. Making the Match.  8. The Investment Process.  9. After the Investment. Appendix 1.Glossary of Terms Related to Private Equity and Debt Financing. Appendix 2. Non-Disclosure Agreement (Mutual). Appendix 3. United States Securities And Exchange Commission Regulation D.Appendix 4. Angel Organizations in the United States and Canada. Appendix 5.Angel Organizations in Europe. Appendix 6. Due Diligence Checklist. Appendix 7. Due Diligence Interview Questions. Appendix 8. Convertible Promissory Note. Appendix 9. Angel-Entrepreneur Internet Matching Sites. Appendix 10. Experts' Profiles. References. Acknowledgments. About the Author. Index.




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