CT Complete Book Of Chinese Knotting 中国结

出版时间:2007-10  出版社:Tuttle Pub  作者:Lydia Chen  页数:159  


The Complete Book of Chinese Knotting is the culmination of 20 years of research into the ancient art of Chinese knotting by renowned authority Lydia Chen. Inspired by the decorative knots embellishing ancient artifacts such as pots, jade, statuary, boxes and paintings, the author has systematically classified the basic knots, many almost forgotten, and their variations, as well as developed new knots using various knotting combinations and innovative materials.    In addition to a useful summary of the four major techniques for tying basic knots and the nine main ways of modifying them, the author introduces 56 brand new knots and creative designs which can be used to make jewelry, ornaments and stylish wardrobe additions.


Lydia Chen, a leading authority on traditional Chinese decorative knotting, was born in Loching, Chekiang, in 1940. Her interest in knotting began when her father-in-law, a deputy curator at the National Palace Museum in Taipei, Taiwan, arranged for her to learn simple knots from an elderly museum custodian. From this modest beginning, she went on to figure out how knots were formed from the antique pieces she collected, and even invented some designs of her own. She has taught knotting at colleges, held several exhibitions of her work both at home and abroad, and authored a number of books on the art.


A UniqueHandicraftChinese Knots in Ancient TimesSpecial Characteristics of Chinese KnotsChinese Knotting TechniquesCreative Chinese Knotting Desings




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