克拉斯 奥尔登堡绘画 Claes Oldengurg Drawings

出版时间:2002-8  出版社:ABRAMS  作者:LEE,JANIEC.  页数:224  


  Pop artist Claes Oldenburg has long been one of the most popular American artists, and museumgoers worldwide are familiar with his soft sculptures of everyday objects. For the past four years, the Whitney Museum of American Art has been quietly acquiring his drawings, as well as those made with his wife and artistic partner, Coosje van Bruggen. Most major art museums have no more than 10 Oldenburg drawings in their holdings: the Whitney now has approximately 90-the largest such collection in the world. This assemblage of Oldenburg drawings is evidence of the museum's commitment to collecting in depth the work of great living American draftsmen.   Published to accompany the largest exhibition to date of Oldenburg's drawings, this beautifully produced volume covers nearly a 40-year period, from 1959 to 1998, and features 92 full-color illustrations, with text and an interview with Oldenburg by Janie C. Lee, the Whitney Museum's Curator of Drawings.


Foreword IntroductionInterview with Claes OldenburgPlatesWorks in the ExhibitionSelected Drawings BibliographyAcknowledgments



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