斯图尔特·戴维斯画集 STUART DAVIS

出版时间:1997-01-01  出版社:Boston : Bulfinch ; Little Brown & Co.  作者:Stuart (1892-1964) Rylands, Philip Davis  页数:201  


Traces the development of the American painter and discusses his place in art history.    The work of Stuart Davis (1892-1964) is profiled here, with extensive illustrations and essays by scholars of the artist's work.


Preface The Jazz of Stuart Davis Stuart Davis: American Painter Stuart Davis's Word-Pictures Stuart Davis (A European Memoir) An American in Venice: Stuart Davis at the XXVIth Biennale Piero Dorazio Interviewed by Federica Pirani, 1997 Underwriting the "Amazing Continuity": The Journals of Stuart Davis Writings of Stuart Davis Night Beat. Television Interview with Stuart Davis by John Wingate, 1956 Catalogue Appendices Chronology Selected Bibliography



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