
出版时间:1990-9  出版社:北京科文图书业信息技术有限公司  作者:Alan Temperley  页数:264  


The year is 1943. Wartime. Murdo is suspicious of the whisky smuggling he is involved in with Hector, an old rogue of a fisherman. Then one night he discovers the contents of the crates and his suspicions are confirmed!    Suddenly Murdo is plunged headlong into a deep and dangerous adventure of national proportions. In a deadly hunt across Scotland's harshest terrain in the depths of winter, Murdo's strength is tested to the limit. Can he outwit the enemy before Operation Flood-Tide is set in motion?    Murdo's War is an exciting story of guns, boat and car chases, evasion and mountain pursuit. Most of all it is about one boy's resourcefulness and determination...to survive!


Rogues on a Lonely ShoreVisit by MoonlightStranger at the Captain IvyThe Men in HidingStormy SeasThe Boy in the Night'Operation Flood-Tide'The Last TripA Bay Sheathed in IceSwitch Off the MoonThe Road to the HillsFull MoonAloneBlizzard over Carn MorGone to EarthWild from the HillsThe Smoking Cliffs



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  •   小开本,胶装,是原版书,不过是老书了。7元一本算值得的。

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