Picture Knits Easy Designs For The Novice Knitte新手编织设计指南

出版时间:2005-9  出版社:Krause Pubns Inc  作者:Betty Barnden  页数:128  


This resource gives novice knitters easy-to-follow instructions and tips for creating beautiful picture knits the first time out! With more than 50 color designs and motifs, knitters will discover a variety of fun and simple projects in this guaranteed guide to success. Row-by-row instructions and color charts easily lead knitters through motifs of varying difficulty. This unbeatable reference features motifs of geometric shapes, birds, flowers and childhood themes, which can easily be incorporated into purses, bags, sweaters and wall hangings.-More than 50 full-color illustrations easily guide knitters through projects-Level of difficulty indicator helps knitters prioritize projects-Easy-to-follow instructions suit any level knitter


Motif indexAbout this bookHow to use this bookKnitting know-how  Materials and equipment  Useful information  Basic techniques  Basic stitches  Shaping  Working from patterns  Assembly techniques  Finishing touchesPicture knitting  Knitting from charts  Project 1: Purse  Projects 2 and 3: Scarf   and hatAdding embroidery  Embroidery techniques  Project 4: Four-panel   cushion  Project 5: Baby blanketAdding texture  Texture techniques  Project 6:Tote bag  Project 7: One-panel  cushionAdapting designs  Versatile motifs  Project 8: Baby sweater  Project 9: Child's sweater  Project 10:Teen sweaterMotif gallery  Adding lettering  Draw your own motifGlossaryIndexCredits



    Picture Knits Easy Designs For The Novice Knitte新手编织设计指南 PDF格式下载

用户评论 (总计1条)


  •   其实就只教了一种方法,只是花纹不一样而已。虽然是英文的,但只要你会棒织,就算是单看图也是会懂的。

250万本中文图书简介、评论、评分,PDF格式免费下载。 第一图书网 手机版
