Australia and New Zealand (平装)

出版时间:2006年10月  出版社:Dorling Kindersley Publishers Ltd  作者:Vincent Gasnier  


Shiraz or Chardonnay? What's the pick of the New Zealand reds? Go from novice to knowledgeable with this easy-to-use, pocket-sized guide. Top 10 lists provide instant, practical advice to help you make selections - from the 10 best wines for laying down, to the greatest reds, tastiest whites, organics and dessert wines, or the 10 best-kept secrets. Drink in advice on tipples from reading wine labels, to buying, storing and matching wine to food. Plus, there's a comprehensive look at the major winegrowing areas, from Queensland to Victoria and North to South Islands, to the best producers and wine styles in each area. Discover the top wines of today with this handy guide. 

length: (cm)18.6                 width:(cm)10.2




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